mays ways

inspired by the lifestyles in the worlds Blue Zones, we have created what we believe are our core principles to live the best quality and longest life.

With a commitment to purposeful living for longer, our philosophy centers on the idea of gathering good people, good vibes, and good times—a trinity that, when woven together, creates the tapestry of a great life.

  • stress less, smile more

    we want you to leave the day at the door and tap into a stress-free environment when you are with us. Our gatherings provide an escape from everyday life in efforts to reduce stress. when at home, we encourage you to find ways to destress and reconnect with the idea act of relaxation.

  • music for the mood

    the power of music to reduce stress and improve mental health has been recognized for some time now. scientists say that music distracts us from our worries. we curate playlists that encourage guests to unwind, tap in and be present. enjoy tunes with us at our gatherings or at home using our spotify playlists. music is healing.

  • food for fuel

    food should be nourishing and purposeful. we want to inspire guests to eat locally, seasonally, and regularly. we want you to eat to feel good.

  • connect

    we understand the impact having a good community has on our health- it's important we attempt to foster that feeling for our guests at the table and beyond. we encourage connections that fill your cup, that feel good, that are in alignment with who you are and what you believe in.

  • mind/body exercise

    we believe these two are interchangeable. whether it be a thoughtful conversation prompt, pilates, yoga, a long walk, ecstatic dance, a hike, breathwork or meditation, these are some tools we enjoy for balancing the mind, body and soul, and promote a higher quality life.

  • presence for pleasure

    we believe the practice of being present, is key for a fulfilling life. without it, enjoying your surroundings in their totality is impossible. leave your phone in your bag or our collection basket while gathering with us. turn on those do not disturb notifications and take a digital detox when at home.

About our founder

As a 10 year veteran of the hospitality industry, I have worked several jobs in service and sales, where eating and drinking was always part of the job (lucky me!) I would be out late for work, get up, workout, slam a smoothie and repeat. Throughout those 10 years, I enjoyed my yoga practice, exercise and cooking for myself when I was not out, but it always felt a bit like a walking contradiction.

In 2020, the industry was shook to its core, this time allowed me the opportunity to think about my personal wellness and health as well as the health of my social and professional network.

Working a job being of service and curating experiences for others to make them feel good, has the potential to take a lot of energy and put your own wellbeing to the side. I found a lot of the stress and anxiety I had was able to be managed during this transformative year and I was able to deeply understand how to live more purposefully, intentionally and give myself a better-quality lifestyle.

When my industry was compromised, I decided to lean into some of my passion and interests and see what happened.

I enrolled in the Institute of Integrative nutrition health coach training program with the goal of being a health coach for the hospitality industry.

One of the first lessons that I learned was Dan Buettner’s lessons on the Blue Zones.

With this newly acquired knowledge, I became obsessed with the teachings of this blue zone lifestyle and told everyone I knew about it.

mays story

in the summer of 2018, a chance encounter introduced me to mae, a remarkable 90-year-young woman who left a mark on my perspective. despite the disparity in our ages, mae's vitality, intelligence, and strength inspired me. mae championed the importance of staying resilient, resourceful, and relevant, as a contribution to her aging so well. she also swam, practiced gratitude and was friends with tons of younger people like me, who she said “keep her thinking young”

fast forward to 2020, a pivotal year for me professionally, i was encouraged by my husband to pursue my passions, live my purpose and embark on a journey into health coaching. my first lecture on the Blue Zones sparked something inside me. It opened my world up to a lifestyle that not only felt “do-able” and sustainable, unlike a fad diet or a trend, it was something i could do, long term. it was wise, it was different and reminded me of mae’s lessons. I realized the potential for creating a community centered around the Blue Zone lifestyle, where the right connections, gratitude, natural movement, wholesome nutrition, and a sense of purpose form the recipe for a fulfilling and enduring life. I knew I needed to expand my own network and community in this way to ensure we all were aware and excited about what we could do to live well, for longer...