our glossary

explore the terms and ideas that drive our vision and join us in embracing a lifestyle that promotes health, happiness, and a sense of belonging.

  • Living well for longer

    an understanding that there is life to be lived by finding pleasure in the small moments that make up our day.

  • Ikigai

    a term coined by the Okinawa Blue Zone, defining your purpose. Your reason for existence. The passion that gets you up in the morning.

  • Good people, good vibes, good times

    our promise to you. The act of gathering a group of humans to connect and vibrate on the same frequency for pleasure.

  • Mays ways

    our ethos, inspired by the power 9 of the Blue Zones, these ways promote and teach participants our values that we believe extend healthy life expectancy with regular use.

  • Moai

    based on the ideology of the Okinawa Blue Zone, a circle of friends who support and encourage each other through life.